Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Kotzias: Countries as Albania, FYROM, see the EU only as sponsor

Kotzias denies Mogherini: EU worried about the political situation in Albania and Macedonia

Kotzias: "Those countries, must act in a democratic way and it means a democratic approach opposition, the Greek Community or national minorities".

In a statement on state television ERT, the Greek Foreign Minister, Nikos Kotzias has reinforced concerns that emerged a few days ago head of European diplomacy, Federica Mogherini, when he declared that the Balkan region tensions dangerous historical are still vivid.

According Koztias, making conversation between the Foreign Ministers of the EU on the issue of immigration and the crisis in the Western Balkans, it expressed concern about developments, especially in Albania and Macedonia.

This is because many of these countries perceive the EU only as a financial sponsor and a prospect of participation in a government center.

"But we emphasize that it must be understood that the EU is a system of democratic values ​​and perceptions that democracy requires that someone be a culture within itself, as we consider, compromise and consensus," he said.

There may not work in countries in northern Greece, a process elemental democratic, said Koztias, adding that appealed to all countries that have a trial for the Western Balkans can not see the silent development of their internal, but act as does Athens, in the past two years has always spoken publicly.

Responding to those who believe that in making concessions and compromises these countries , Kotzias stresses that the problem is that these countries need to understand that they must act in a democratic way and it means a democratic approach opposition, the Greek Community or national minorities.

Kotzias denies Mogherini: EU worried about the political situation in Albania and Macedonia

There was unanimous support for the messages that I sent to the region. There was a commitment to open negotiations on the country. EU is ready to open negotiations with Albania when to begin the implementation of the judicial reform and the Vetting procedures. Ministers supported all messages sent to Albania. "

But in an interview with Greek state television, FM Athens, Nikos Kotzias speaks to another atmosphere that is not reflected in the statements made by Federica Mogherini noted that the European Council dealt with much concern the political situation created in Macedonia and in Albania. According to him, the main problem is that Macedonia and Albania see the EU as a financial sponsor and an opportunity to be part of a powerful center, but they forget that the European Union is a value system of democracy, which requires members to behave according to their own culture and pursue a compromise.

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