Wednesday, February 8, 2017

ZSO should be formed "by Serbs, not by Albanian politicians"

(Tanjug, file)
The Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) should be formed by the Kosovo Serbs pursuant to the Brussels Agreement, and not by ethnic Albanian politicians.


The head of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric, said this on Wednesday.

Commenting on media reports that Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, PM Isa Mustafa and assembly speaker Kadri Veselji had "agreed for the formation of the Community to start," Djuric said the situation was reminiscent of some kind of a political game aimed at politically subjugating and humiliating the Kosovo and Metohija Serbs.

"That is not the way of forming the ZSO that had been agreed in Brussels and that the Serbs expect. The ZSO should be formed formed based on the agreement reached between Belgrade and Pristina. It should be formed by Serb representatives in Kosovo and Metohija, not by Albanian politicians," Djuric stressed.

He added that "there would be nothing strange if the three of them announced the formation of a community of Albanian municipalities" - but as this concerns the ZSO, "this is something that's not their job."

According to Djuric, the intention of Pristina to exclude the Serb side and Belgrade from the process of dialogue is "visible."

"And that's one of the reasons why crises were being generated artificially in the past days, and now this behavior only confirms their intention to try and exclude us - however, it won't work that way," he said.

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