Sunday, February 12, 2017

Poll: HRUP and Greeks of Albania, risk participation, in the next Albanian Parliament

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Strangely, Turkey strongly supports Party of Cham Community, since several years, funding in Albanian politics, while Greece, with the large Greek community, about 400 thousand Greek citizen, could not be represented by more than one deputy, in the Albanian Parliament. .

Recent polls have published that in Albania, about the upcoming parliamentary elections, the Socialist Party declared the winner. But this party will not be able to taken the decision to form a government alone.

Polls indicated a representation of Cham Community Party UDPJ, to swear Represent, with some MPs, while LSI, of Ilir Meta, will decide on the formation of the governing coalition.

But what is happening with the HRUP, the Greek Community Party in Albania?

Terrible.... HRUP, it has only one MP in Albanian Parliament of 140 members. The latest polls from NGO in Tirana, show that HRUP will not be representative, in the next Parliament, that the fact that Greece did not support having problems, citizens with Greek nationals, mainly for properties rights in Albania.

z"If we would have a parent state, as Greece of Elefteros Venizelos time, in the confrontation with Albania, today, we will have Autonomous Republic of Northern Epirus, and we would be proud, will not be oppressed properties and territory, as it is happening today currently, "says a member of the Greek Community of Albania

But at least today 400 thousand people of Northern Epirus, living between Greece and Albania, if will vote, for a party of Greek interests, which will happening ???

This is why, many Greek geopolitical analyst, are trying to find the reason why, a compact , large population, state-building, is forgotten by the Greek government from so long?

And the conclusion comes: What would happen to the Greek government, if would have funded a Political Party which representing Greek interests in Albania as could be HRUP?

Nothing. It would form the government of Albania and the Greeks of Albania, would have the opportunity to created one dual national state, as FYROM.

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