Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Dacic in separate meetings with Tsipras and Kotzias

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met separately in Belgrade on Tuesday with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and that country's Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias.
Source: B92
Nikos Kotzias (L) is seen with Ivica Dacic (Tanjug)
Nikos Kotzias (L) is seen with Ivica Dacic (Tanjug)
According to the Serbian government, the Greek side reiterated during the meetings "uts principled stance not to recognize the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo, while respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia."
They also "reaffirmed the strong support of Greece and the further process of European integration of our country."

The officials "emphasized traditionally friendly relations based on historical closeness and solidarity of the peoples of the two countries, and expressed confidence that these meetings will contribute to the intensification of the dynamics of political dialogue of officials from Serbia and Greece" and "underlined the desire to further enhance bilateral cooperation on projects of common interest, especially in the economic and infrastructural plans."

Opinions were also discussed about the current situation in the countries of the Western Balkans, the migrant crisis, as well as other issues of wider international importance, and "modalities for further cooperation in regional initiatives and processes, as well as within international organizations," discussed during the meetings.

Dacic accepted an invitation to visit Athens in the first half of 2017.

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