Monday, February 6, 2017

Change Balkans borders? US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher for FYROM, must Divide

Image result for US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher

Rohrabacher: "One of the issues that we will discuss is the change of the borders so that they make sense and bring peace to the Balkans".

US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher is one of the most significant people in the House of Representatives. As a former aide to President Reagan, Mr. Rohrabacher likes to give a jolt of internal policies and external. He expects enthusiastically carrying out such a policy by the new President of Trump.

Vision Plus TV in Albania, was in the US Congress, in the office of Mr. Rohrabacher few days after he sent a letter to Serbian President Nikolic, in which, asked to examine the possibility of exchange of territories in the north of Kosovo, as the most good. Rohrabacher goes further: Let's change the boundaries of Macedonia (FYROM).

Change Balkans borders?

Dana Rohrabacher:... My position is that Macedonia is not a state. I'm sorry but it is not a state. They are so divided that they never will be able to go well together. So Kosovars and Albanians in Macedonia should be part of Kosovo. While the rest of the country should become part of Bulgaria or any other country with whom they claim to be related. The idea that Macedonia will keep alive because someone 30 years ago decided that this is the configuration that should emerge from the breakup of Yugoslavia, does not lead to an explanation that this idea is still held.

But the administration will support this idea Trump?

Dana Rohrabacher:

I have influence on US policy makers now. I am chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the House of Representatives that deals with that part of the world. We will have hearings in the coming months. One of the issues that we will discuss is the change of the borders so that they make sense and bring peace to the Balkans.

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