Thursday, February 2, 2017

Billionaire Financier Soros Continues to Fund Anti-Trump Protests

George Soros

© Flickr/ Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

Despite media representing protests against US President Donald Trump as grassroots spontaneous uprisings, there is actually a significant amount of money being spent on special interest groups to keep the disruptions happening.

As we previously reported, billionaire financier George Soros has provided funding to at least 56 of the “partner” organizations, including National Resource Defense Council and Planned Parenthood, on the Women’s March on DC. has also been consistently organizing and calling for protests, and shocker, is also financed by Soros.While protesters themselves may not always be “paid” in any monetary way, the organizations often provide them with legal aid, housing, food, or other comforts to encourage protest or other activities that fit their agenda. “There’s kind of a tradition of paid protesters. That’s not a job per say, but special interest groups have funds, they are somewhat quite organized. They will pay people to protest in support of an issue. They provide attorneys, they provide places for them to stay, they rent houses, they provide medics for them,” David Carter, professor of the School of Criminal Justice and director of the Intelligence program at Michigan State University, as well as a former Kansas City, Missouri, police officer, recently told Sputnik News.
The source of funding for this unrest is important to note, as organizations affiliated with the billionaire have been deeply connected to color revolutions and political uprisings across the globe, including Arab Spring. This point has led many to question what his end goal is for the US, where heavily-funded protests are raging on over a fair and free election.
University of California at Berkeley Campus
© Flickr/ Hollywata
“Soros is effectively the puppet-master pulling most of the strings in Kiev. Soros Foundation’s Ukraine branch, International Renaissance Foundation (IRF), has been involved in Ukraine since 1989. His IRF doled out more than $100 million to Ukrainian NGOs two years before the fall of the Soviet Union, creating the preconditions for Ukraine’s independence from Russia in 1991. Soros also admitted to financing the 2013-2014 Maidan Square protests that brought the current government into power,” a report in the New Eastern Outlook journal explained in 2015.
These “democracy-building” projects have been used, much like the Clinton Foundation in Haiti, to line Soros’ own pockets.
“Make no mistake that the events you’re seeing transpire nationwide are being orchestrated in part by a billionaire political elite class that is looking to subvert the will of the American people by attempting to foment a new American revolution. Soros’ formula has been duplicated in numerous nations, and it looks as if he now has the US in his sights as the next target,” the Free Thought Project wrote of Soros meddling in November 2016.

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