Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Vucic "wants Mogherini to react and condemn K. Albanians"

Aleksandar Vucic has asked EU's Federica Mogherini to "react publicly and condemn Pristina's unprofessional and irresponsible conduct."
Source: Tanjug
(Tanjug, file)
(Tanjug, file)
State broadcaster RTS reported this "quoting unofficial sources," Tanjug said.
According to the Serbian prime minister, who spoke on Wednesday, Pristina's behavior followed Tuesday's round in the Kosovo dialogue.

If the requested reaction is absent, "it will be a clear sign that (Kosovo) Albanians do not want any conversation but want instead to at all costs to jeopardize the fragile peace and stability," Vucic said, according to RTS.

A high level Kosovo dialogue meeting was held in Brussels on Tuesday with EU's mediation, when, according to a statement issued by Mogherini, participants "agreed to leave the tensions behind and to focus on the work ahead."

In this spirit, Vucic late on Tuesday said that the dialogue would continue with EU's support and that Belgrade would keep to its end of the bargain and "lower the tensions."

However, according to Tanjug, "statements coming out of Pristina were different in tone - similar to those that could be heard in recent weeks."

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci thus said it was "made clear to Serbia that Pristina will respond to provocations such as 'the train'."

Reports earlier in the day cited Mogherini's spokesperson as saying that the EU foreign policy chief "regrets that in their statements after the meeting, not everyone has respected the agreement to leave the tensions aside and not to comment on the details of the discussion."

Mogherini also "once again called on both sides to show restraint and respect the agreement reached yesterday (Tuesday)."

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