Wednesday, January 11, 2017

"New evidence against Haradinaj, indictment expanded"

The Serbian War Crimes Prosecution has decided to expand the indictment against former KLA ("Kosovo Liberation Army") leader Ramush Haradinaj.
Source: Tanjug, N1
(Tanjug, file)
(Tanjug, file)
The decision was made because the Prosecution has new evidence, N1 broadcaster has reported.
The evidence concerns Haradninaj's responsibility for war crimes committed in Kosovo that were not previously considered by the Hague Tribunal, and represent an addition to the evidence already submitted to France.

Serbia is seeking Haradinaj's extradition from France, where he was arrested last week.

The new evidence will be sent to the French court dealing with the case as soon as it has been translated into French - which is expected to happen before the end of this week.

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