Saturday, January 21, 2017

Greek DM Confident Ties Between Athens, Washington Will Develop Under Trump

Sputnik News

Close ties between Athens and Washington will likely continue to develop under the presidency of Donald Trump, Greek Defense Minister Panos Kammenos said on Friday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Speaking at the Presidential Inaugural Committee's event in Washington, Kammenos expressed confidence that "the new American government will continue its close cooperation with Greece within the NATO framework, but also in bilateral cooperation," according to the Ekathimerini newspaper.

Speaking during an event organized by the Presidential Inaugural Committee in Washington DC, Kammenos, who is also the leader of Greece’s junior coalition partner Independent Greeks, said that he is “confident the new American government will continue its close cooperation with Greece within the NATO framework, but also in bilateral cooperation.”

Trump, Kammenos said, has “some very important Greek-Americans by his side who maintain their ties with our country, with Orthodoxy and with the Greek people. We are certain that when the time comes for them to help their homeland… they will do so do the best of their ability.
 Kammenos stressed that there are "some very important Greek-Americans" in Trump's administration, who maintain their ties with their homeland, according to the newspaper.
As part of the visit, the Greek Defense Minister held meetings with incoming Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and with Trump's adviser George Papadopoulos, both of whom have Greek roots.
On Friday, Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. Trump’s inauguration ceremony took place in the Capitol in Washington, DC.

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