Monday, February 27, 2017

CIA, suggests Albania, that a union of Greece, with Northern Epirus, may be among Shkumbini and Vjosa rivers. CIA προτείνει, την Αλβανία, ότι μια ένωση της Ελλάδα, με τη Βόρεια Ήπειρο, μπορεί να είναι μεταξύ Σκουμπίν και Βιόσα ποτάμια

.Intelligence Memorandum CIA
Relations between Albania and Greece have deteriorated sharply
following a violent border attack in April, the latest incident in three years of strained bilateral ties. Greece has stepped up accusations of Albanian "repression"of its ethnic-Greek minority, while Tirana fears Athens has designs on the Greek. Greek allegations that Tirana is systematically violating the rights of the ethnic-Greek minority with the aim of driving it out of Albania appear to lack

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