Monday, December 12, 2016

Greek Defence Minister: There Are No Grey Zones in the Aegean

By A. Makris -
Dec 11, 2016

Greek Reporter
Panos KammenosGreek Defence Minister Panos Kammenos underlined the ‘risk of an accident’ in the Aegean from the continuous violations of the Greek airspace by Turkish fighters and the air combats that follow, in an interview with Realnews Sunday newspaper.

“Greece addresses the condition calmly but will not retreat to any violation of its national airspace or national waters and will continue to do what the Greek Military Staff always did, to follow the international law and whoever illegally enters the country will be intercepted” said Kammenos adding that there are no disputed areas or grey zones in the Aegean.

Kammenos expressed his full support to Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias. “I totally agree with his handlings. I have full confidence in him and we are in close cooperation. Nikos Kotzias has proved, throughout his political life, that he serves the national lines. I wholeheartedly support him” he stated.
(source: ana-mpa)

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