Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Ex EYP Director: Turkey is arming Albania

Image result for ioannis korantis

Former Greek LAOS MP, Korantis Johannis, in a political debate on Greek TV, stated, inter alia, for armaments, that Turkey sends in Albania. "Ankara is helping Albania militarily, which could turn into a situation against Greece, in an exceptional case" Korantis said ..

Korantis Johannis, was the Greek Secret Service Director of EYP and before, the Greek Ambassador in Ankara.

Korantis signed a petition along with 20 Greek Ambassador, who have urged former Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samara, to exert pressure on Albania for autonomy in northern Epirus, before opening negotiations with Albania to the EU.

 Meanwhile, Greece has set conditions to Albania's veto on the rights of Greeks in Southern Albania end especially in Himara Region. Two ministers of the Greek government, Kotsias, and Kammenos, are tough for arrogance shown by the Government of Albania, to the Greeks in Himara.

Meanwhile, Greece has set conditions to Albania's veto on the rights of Greeks in Southern Albania end especially in Himara Region. Two ministers of the Greek government, Kotsias, and Kammenos, are tough for arrogance shown by the Government to the Greeks in Himara.

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