Thursday, December 1, 2016

CIA’s newly-declassified maps give rare insight into historic events (PHOTOS)

National Geografic

© Central Intelligence Agency / Flickr
The maps were released to celebrate the Cartography Center’s 75th anniversary. “Geographers and cartographers amassed what would be the largest collection of maps in the world and produced strategic maps and 3D plaster terrain models in support of strategic studies and military operational plans,” the CIA said in a statement.
The release includes a photograph taken on September, 29, 2001, shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. It shows George W Bush, chief of staff Andrew Card, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice and Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet at Camp David, poring over a map of Afghanistan.
© Central Intelligence Agency
The collection also features a 3D map of the Konar Valley in Afghanistan from 2001, while another map from 2012 includes a full country profile, with geographic information and a timeline of various influential groups in the region, including the Taliban and military of the Soviet Union.

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