Sunday, December 4, 2016

Albanian Defence Minister surprised by Pano Kammenos after he spent the night, in the Albanian Greek border

Kodheli is "surprised by Kamenos's statements"

Albanian Defense Minister Mimi Kodheli has commented the statements of her Greek counterpart, Kamenos who one day ago hinted that Greece is ready to enter a war with Turkey and Albania.

In a statement on Facebook, Kodheli said that NATO was created to unite democratic countries, and she says these statements are an effort to wake up ghosts of the past.

"NATO was created to united democratic countries of the northern hemisphere against any totalitarian danger. It is difficult for me to understand today why any Balkan politician wears a military uniform and tries to summon ghosts from the past", Kodheli said.

The Greek Defense Minister, Pano Kammenos, spent the night, in the Albanian Greek border, between the Greek soldiers that protect the border with Albania.

Intelligence sources, by Athens, provide data that Turkey and Albania, cooperating with a military plot against Greece, which is emerging as a particularly dangerous precedent for military conflict between NATO countries.

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