Saturday, December 17, 2016

Albania: Tanks of NATO, deployed in Durresi Harbor

A citizen has managed to photograph the entrance of a tank (which may possibly have been more than those who have entered our territory) in the Port of Durres, and has no knowledge of what is happening Mapo newspaper reports.

NATO has warned that in Balkans, will intervene at any time

In Tirana, the State Department mission to regional security, meeting with government authorities and intelligence..

Tirana. Albanian media reports that occasionally, are photographed several tanks emerge from the Harbor of Durresi, for which there is still no official Press Release from the Ministry of Defense.

But in the meantime, it has become known fact that in the Balkans, NATO has warned of intervention in case of deterioration of the situation in the region. The contingent of tanks and motorized vehicles, is acting "De Facto" as the NATO intervention, even without warning or official sources Albanian authorities.

Albania approved by Parliament, a bill that authorizes the Government to accept in its territory to NATO troops, as part of the Western Alliance, to manage potential crises in the event of war.Meanwhile in Tirana, after the visit of the director of the CIA, John Brennan, has come a team from the Department of State, for security, for which, have developed a series of meetings with top leaders of the government and intelligence.

In the opinion of analysts, violence can erupt in the Balkans, due to the destruction of ethnic balance, which may be more visible in FYROM, Bosnia, Kosovo who are not members of NATO.

Regarding Albania and Kosovo, the Western alliance of NATO but also intelligence services, they have expressed a great interes to this country, which is seriously threatened by radical Islamic groups but also by paramilitary nationalist, which can operate without knowledge of authorities of these countries.

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