Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Nicholas Gage along with Obama team in Athens

Image result for pyrros dimas nicholas gage
Nicholas Gage with Olympic Champion Pyrros Dhimas

A few days ago, Gage met with Secretary John Kerry, to oppose the plans of the Albanian government against the violation of property in Himara Region.

The President of the Pan Epirotic Federation of USA, Nicholas Gage (Gatzogianis) is located in Athens, to accompany the US President Barack Obama, during his visit to Greece.

The Greek - Albanian Relations are in a difficult moment, especially after the expiry of the agreement 20 years of friendship Albania Greece, signed in 1996 by Berisha and Stephanopoulos.

Pan Epirotic Federation of USA is highly critical of Albania, for the violation of rights and freedoms of the Greeks in Northern Epirus, in Southern Albania and especially in Himara Region.

Tirana is making great efforts to join the European Union, but has a chapter difficult to pass, the rights of the self-determination of the Greeks in Southern Albania, who risk losing the properties from the policies of the oligarchy and mafia supported from the Albanian government.

The inclusion of Nicholas Gage as mediator of the talks Tirana - Athens, which are proposed by the State Department, is considered as an emerging to the new geopolitical moviment, after more than 20 years, for which the way of Albania's in Europe, will have to pass, to expand the Autonomy of the Greeks in Northern Epirus.

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