Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Lubonja: Edi Rama is using rhetoric on nationalism and poverty, extort properties of Himara

Lubonja: People of Himara are Greek, they were right up during period of king Zogu, but that during the dictatorship of Enver Hoxha, he abolished the Greek nationality to the Himara people.

Albanian publicist, Fatos Lobonja, during an interview on News 24 TV, said that Prime Minister Edi Rama, is used, the Albanian nationalism as propaganda to cover the robbery of lands in the Himara Region.

Lubonja accused PM Rama for the action to demolish the houses that belong to the Greeks in Himara Region, making a service Albanian nationalism, especially on the eve of elections.

Meanwhile Lubonja called the Prime Minister Rama, an ignorant of history that compares, ancient temple of Acropolis, in service of the Albanian nationalist dream.

"In this stage that the people of Himara, feels only, after not feel strongly aid from Greece,, Edi Rama thought it would spoil the homes to be stolen property, under the developments Plain of Tourism but fell himself into the trap, as he thought that may be, the "Greece, has sold the people of Himara", Lubonja ended.

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