Saturday, October 15, 2016

Threatened the family of the martyr, Aristotle Goumas in Himara

The Golden Dawn attended the memorial service of Aristotelis Goumas in Himara   The Golden Dawn commemorated the National Martyr Aristotelis Goumas, Monday, August 12, 2013

Ilia Goumas: I do not have land to sell, they are our property. They killed the my son, and now they want to kill me with my other son.

Ilia Goumas, father of Aristotle Goumas, the boy who was killed in 2010 by a group of boys, Albanian, declared by Himara, during a protest in front Minicipality of Himara, that "being threatened by some Albanian people who want to build in the land of his ".

"Our properties, should use the natives, and not have extraneous reasons TJA sell to foreigners, I do not have land to sell and for this, I want to declare that although killed the boy, because he spoken greek, but this is our leanguage, we have not other, and now coming threaten to kill me, even they want to kill my other son "...

Aristotle Goumas, a himariot citizen with Greek nationality, killed on August 2010 by a group of Albanians, for the fact that why hi spoken the Greek. The dead of Aristotle Goumas, have brought the Albanian - Greek Relations in high tensions never has been, since 1997. 

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