Thursday, October 13, 2016

Serbia and Albania, "collide" for Kosovo in Belgrade

 Image result for rama vucic
Albanian Prime Minister Rama, urges Serbia to recognize Kosovo, while the Serbian Prime Minister Vucic, declares that Kosovo is an integral part of Serbia and it shall remain.
Balkan Security Forum in Belgrade: Rama and Vucic for the first time collide for Kosovo
Rama: Trepce is in Kosovo territorial is part of people of Kosovo.
Vucic: No serbs to accept the decision of Kosovo Parliament for Trepce.

Rama: Merkel is the best leader for helping economically Balkan state.
Vucic: Serbia doesn't Kosovo independence, Trepca is Serbian territory.

Rama, Trepce is Kosovo...
Vucic: Kosovo is territory of Serbian state and will be together with Trepce...

Vucic: Rama know very well which will be the next US President, and sure will be Trump...

Rama: Trepce decide the people of Kosovo.
Vucic: Serbian people does not asked fort Trepce.

Rama: Kosovo is independence state and Trepce is part of Prishtina.

Vucic; Kosovo is part of the Serbian State and Trepce is Serbia.

Vucic: Serbia has problems with his territory and Albania no.I have very problem to speak for tensions with Bosnian or Croat leaders, while with Rama I speak, but not for Kosovo.

Rama: Albania is a country that respects minorities, while Serbia has not recognized Kosovo ...

Vucic: We have no problems with Albania, with Rama can talk about everything developing economy ecct, but for the territorial integrity of Serbia and for Kosovo, we are totally against.

Rama: Kosovo is independent state and Trepce is integrity part of Kosovo.

Vucic: Never. Kosovo is part of the Serbian State and Trepce is Serbia.

The moderator interrupts the conversation with Rama and Vucic as tensions grew up between the two Prime Ministers Albanian and Serbian. ..

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