Sunday, October 9, 2016

Nikollaq Neranxi under threat by Albanian Mafia

The Himara Community calls on NATO and OSCE, to receive under observation The Himara Region, after Albanian paramilitary groups, could spark ethnic conflict

The threat to the businessman and Executive Director of The Himara Community Nikollaq Neranxi, is an act to warn of tensions in Himara.

"The Himara Community, expresses the highest, and charges in the same line as the Albanian Government as well as the Himara Municipality, which is straining the situation by organizing paramilitary groups against members and activists of the property issues, especially after the rally 14 August in Himare".

"At the same time The Himara Community, would like to get the attention of the western chancelleries USA - EU, NATO, OSCE that alarming situation of ownership in Himare, expressed in the final resolution of protest of Himara, which could turn the region of Himara to the parameters of an ethnic conflict between indigenous Himariotes and paramilitary groups, who represent the interests of oligarko - mafia, to ripped assets of the People of Himara ..
" noted in its statement The Himara Community, today.

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