Sunday, October 23, 2016

Majko: Albania to war if Kosovo is affected


Pandeli Majko, Tirana and Pristina should be coordinated

Former Prime Minister of Albania considers that Albania will enter into the war if affected territory of Kosovo, for which, Tirana has no historical positive results

Pandeli Majko, Tirana and Pristina should be coordinated. Albania to war if Kosovo is affected

Statements of Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama on Kosovo, on a recent visit to Belgrade, prompted discussion not only of the citizens of Kosovo, but Kosovo officials institutions. Socialist MP and former Prime Minister of Albania, Pandeli Majko, in an interview for Kosova press said that there is excess, but not at the level to be raised to create vacuum between Albania and Kosovo. According Majko, will suffice an urgent visit to Tirana, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo, Enver Hoxhaj, who could be resolved this issue by not becoming consumers of statements, many analysts take and turn to doctrine create differences between Albania and Kosovo.

"A kind of non-information that has existed regarding what would be discussed in Belgrade between the Government of Albania and the Government of Kosovo and I think that this can be considered problem essential, coordination and information between the two sides which is mandatory relations of the two countries have with Serbia. If Kosovo and Albania Serbia will go in front of uncoordinated course we will find ourselves facing such a story like this one, what was said was said why, why it happened. Of course I am not a part that opinion with this event were to create a debate in either Albania or in Kosovo to sigmatizuar problem between Albania and Kosovo.

In relations with Belgrade, Serb-Albanian relations is too long, has had within themselves the very prime relationship and certainly many errors which generally come from the Government, and this must admit that it is. As a citizen of Kosovo and appreciate the sensitivity of Pristina and in this respect I think that Albania needs a specific job by human hand to explain all the representatives of Kosovo institutions what happened. "

Former Albanian Prime Minister considers that Kosovo and Albania are brothers and no fence to separate but should be understood that the story of two brothers who own homes.

Kosovo sovereignty

However, Majko stressed that if affected the sovereignty of Kosovo, Albania implicated in war with anyone. "We can not be a global player, but we remain a country that if affected the sovereignty of the Republic of Kosovo, Albania enters and implied automatically in conflict with anyone, "said Majko.

Kosovar or Albanian?

Linked to the discussions, "Kosovar or Albanian", Majko said that Albanians have proved insufficient each other in difficult moments, and precisely in these moments Albanians should be together, and they have no reason in the world not to be together .

"We are discussing today elements which are more problems that are created by politicians in Albania and Kosovo are part of a strategy which generally comes from Belgrade which tries to tell internationals, Brussels their relationship with the Albanians is in Tirana and not in Pristina, the reason for going to treatment international legal Kosovo is not a state, but a semi-state of a relationship frozen which basically sheet against the interests not only of Pristina, but also Tirana " he said.

Majko said among other things that should not be confused state and national identity, and those who seek to create history as said can be successful for a week, a month, but three months but not more.

SManalysis Opinion

"Statement of Pandeli Majko, involvement of Albania in case there is a change of borders in the Balkans, and furthermore to come to help the brothers in Kosovo, is in contradicts the statement that itself Majko as Prime Minister, in the presence of Greek Prime Minister Costas Simitis in Tirana August 24, 1999. The Greek PM Costas Simitis asked the Albanian counterpart Majko that if he was for idea of change borders in Balkan,,,,? Majko answered NO. Anyway, according to Majko, Albania is preparing a program to change borders in the Balkans, promoting military support for Kosovo, in which for Greece according Simitis, will be saying the same thing to protect the Greek Epirot population"...

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