Friday, October 21, 2016

"Himara 1997" Commander Alex Balas, asks Mayor George Goro for resignation

Alex Balas returned from the USA after almost 16 years, and located in Himare town, , Former Commander of the group for the protection of Himara Region, during the Civil War in 1997 in Albania, has spoken in the protest of the people of Himara, for invasion of properties of Himara People by Albanian oligarchs and mafia.

Escalation of the protests of the Himara Community, is in the epicenter, suspicious Development Plans of the Albanian government, stimulated by the laws adopted by the Albanian Parliament, for the assimilation of the hellenic population of the Himara Region

But at the same time, as an American citizen, Alex Balas invited his fellow citizens Himara people to protest constantly until the Himara Mayor of the Municipality, as collaborationist of the Mafia State George Goro, to resign.

.Alex Balas, a Former officer of the Army of Albania, was commander of the armed group for protection of Himara, During the Civil War in Albania in 1997, he kept intact by any threat to the Region of Himara, as government forces of the Albania Army as well by armed groups.

In 14 March 1997 The Himara Commander Alex Balas, as Member of Committee of Public Salvation of Southern Albania, met on the board of the Italian Frigate "Allisseo" in Adriatic Sea with the Head of OSCE, Wraniski, Formet Greek Foreign Minister Janis Kranidiotis and other European Diplomats, about the Dangerous Situation of Albanian Civil War ..

The Himara Region had no murder During the Civil War in 1997, while the population was compact since the years 1912 to 1916, when Commander Spyros Spyros Milos, had declared the independence of Himara, within the Autonomous Republic of the Northern Epirus.


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