Saturday, October 8, 2016

Wikileaks: Albanian PM calls murder of ethnic Greek "blind fanaticism"

Wikileaks about Aristotel Goumas

Berisha: "local community in Himara town is bilingual and it has been so even 100 or 200 years ago."

Excerpt from report in English by Albanian state news agency ATA

["Incident In Himara - Berisha: Ugly, Condemnable Act" - ATA headline]

Tirana, Aug 14 (ATA) - In response to media interest on the event of two
days ago when a 35 year old man lost his life in Himara, Prime Minister
Berisha said he considers that an ugly act that deserves condemnation.

The Albanian Premier said, "The motifs, if what is claimed is backed by
facts, are even uglier. It is a gesture of extremely blind fanaticism. I
don't believe there is any Albanian not being aware of the fact that the
local community in Himara town is bilingual and it has been so even 100
or 200 years ago." [Passage omitted - more on the same]

Source: ATA, Tirana, in English 1359 gmt 14 Aug 10

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