Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Albanian FM Bushati and Idrizi of PDIU invited by Erdogan

According to sources from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania, Bushati and Idrizi will visit Ankara and will be expected by Erdogan, a serious provocation against Athens.

Some day ago, the "Kathimerini" newspaper wrote: "Tirana knows very well if The Cham issue becomes a problem between Albania and Greece, then Athens will raise the issue of Northern Epirus".


Tirana. The dangerous confrontation, Greece - Albania is likely to end up relations which soured diplomatic row between Tirana and Athens, especially after Greek Foreign Minister Kotsias, reminded Tirana that "in addition to blocking the EU in Albania through Veto, the military option between two countries may be "legitimate" as long as the "Law of War" for the collaborators of fascism, remains in force."

Tirana sees this threat in a hidden way but with the help of Ankara, will know to do to provoke Athens, by negotiating for an official visit of Foreign Minister Bushati in Ankara, and together with the Chairman of the Party PDIU, Shpetim Idrizi.

According to sources from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania, Bushati and Idrizi will visit Ankara and will be expected by Erdogan, a serious provocation against Athens. Sources from the Albanian media, noted that even Greece is a strategic partner of Albania, Turkey is like to see as historical brothers which back the Albanian National Strategy and helping military assistance of the country. .

Only a few days ago, the Greek newspaper "Kathimerini", recalled in an analysis of the most important relationship soured Greece Albania, after the nationalist irredentist demands of the Cham Community, supported by the Albanian government and financed by Turkey.

But according to "Kathimerini", Athens, in to the President Kostis Stephanopoulos, has "suggested" his Albanian counterpart, Alfred Moisiu in Tirana in 2004 that if Tirana will raise the "Cham Issue", then Athens will activate The Northern Epirus Autonomy ", a statement that is kept diplomatically in total Secret, but that Tirana, does not seem to have taken seriously, even for the fact that Turkey, finances, the Cham Community nationalist party, PDIU in Albania.

The Relation between Greece - Albania, entered in a new phase of tension, especially after the expiry of the Protocol of Friendship 20 years between the two countries, of which Albania, benefited from Athens, membership in NATO and the opening of negotiations as a candidate country to the EU.

However, according to Prime Minister Rama, Albania, does not have to fears from Greece, as long it is a member of NATO, for which, it seems history repeats, with Albania, whenever makes alliances in favor of irredentism and threats Greece, as during the World War II.

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