Friday, September 16, 2016


ELDER PATRIOT – The wheels are coming off of the Clinton machine at an alarming rate and the endorsement of Trump by Bill Clinton’s CIA Director is another sign that Hillary is unfit for high office.

James Woolsey, a national security and energy specialist and the former Director of Central Intelligence from February 5, 1993 until January 10, 1995, literally trashed Mrs. Clinton for her performance running the State Department giving that as the reason he’s joining Team Trump.  During his announcement Woolsey said that Mrs. Clinton:

Image result for James Woolsey george tenet
“demonstrated a complete lack of understanding and an inability to lead the agency she headed in such a way as to maintain its mission and security.”
“Based on the emails thus far released we know that Secretary Clinton also lacks the ability to lead her senior managers while complying with and maintaining the basic protocols designed to protect our government’s sensitive and classified information.”
The Clinton campaign realized early on that her resume would disqualify her for the presidency so they instead focused on creating an image among potential voters that Donald Trump is more deplorable and poses a greater risk than she would be in the White House.
That approach has failed to convince those entrusted with protecting the country, though.  Last week 88 retired generals and admirals endorsed Trump.
Now it’s Woolsey’s turn after having waited to see how Trump would handle the information he began receiving at security briefings.  Woolsey had this to say about Trump:
“Trump has come out on two things that I think are important: first of all, he seems to be very much more so than his opponent in favor of a strong defense budget and we’ve got a lot of space to make up problems that have been left in defense by the Obama administration.

The other is that he seems willing to keep a secret and not to blab everything to the public and to our opponents when he comes up with something about national security that ought to be kept quiet. I think that’s good. You can’t go yakking about everything that you’re interested in, you have to keep your counsel.”
Hillary’s mainstream media has refused to connect the dots for their readers so we will.  Woolsey is now the latest in a long line of high profile Democrats who have been responsible for our national defense that that have rejected Clinton’s campaign because they have concluded that she would threaten national security if she were Commander in Chief.
Woolsey will be joining the Trump campaign as a senior advisor.  This is more proof that Trump is building a team that welcomes viewpoints from both the left and the right to help him with the difficult decisions that a president must make. 
Endorsements like these matter more than those from the parties’ political hacks whose only interest is in preserving their place at the government trough and avoiding new leadership that might actually expose their unlawful behavior.

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