Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Patriarch Kirill’s congratulations to Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana and All Albania on the anniversary of his enthronement

Source: DECR
admin | 03 August 2016
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia congratulated His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana and All Albania on the anniversary of his enthronement. Below is the full text of the message:
Patriarch Kirill’s congratulations to Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana and All Albania on the anniversary of his enthronement
Archbishop Anastasios
Your Beatitude,
Beloved in the Lord Brother and Concelebrant:
I cordially congratulate you on another anniversary of your enthronement.
May Christ the Savior Who has installed you at the helm of the church boat preserve you in good health and peace and may He multiply the days and years of your life.
I prayerfully wish Your Beatitude physical strength, many blessings from God and His generous help in your further service at the high and important post of Primate of the Albanian Orthodox Church.
With brotherly love in the Lord,

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