Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Vecer: Greece is scared – USA will invite Macedonia to NATO without summit

6 October 2015 | 10:18 | FOCUS News Agency

Picture: ВечерVecer: Greece is scared – USA will invite Macedonia to NATO without summit

Skopje. USA’s insisting on inviting Macedonia to international meetings under its constitutional name, which was the case last week in New York, is an obstacle to Greek diplomacy but is also indicative of USA’s policy of many years, Greek Kathimerini writes, as cited by Macedonian Vecer daily.

According to the Greek online news edition, US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland exerts great influence over the American policy.
The USA also sent letters to the embassies of Greece in Washington and Skopje, insisting on the settling of the naming dispute.

Unnamed diplomatic sources told the newspaper the USA left the possibility of inviting Macedonia to join NATO without a summit open, which would lead to an increase in tension in the relations with Greece and would make Athens impose a veto.

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