Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Hellenic Initiative Raises $2.5 Million for Greece

Greek American news
By Anastasios Papapostolou -
Oct 2, 2015

The Hellenic Initiative’s (THI) Third Annual Banquet took place on September the 30th, in New York, raising a total of $2.5 million, making it once again one of the most successful fundraising initiatives within the Greek-American community, as well as THI’s most successful fundraising event to date.

Focused on the theme, “Empowering the Future of Greece”, the banquet was attended by the head of the Greek government, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, several Greek government representatives, including George Stathakis, Minister for Economy, Development, Competitiveness and Shipping, and Olga Gerovasili, Greek government’s spokeswoman, as well as European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos. Among the Banquet’s attendees, were prominent members of the Greek-American community, representatives from the newly active THI Australia, a large contingent of Greek-Canadians.

 Three winners of the Hellenic Entrepreneurship Award with Libra CEO George Logothetis and Libra Head of Social Responsibility Jimmy Athanasopoulos

THI’s annual Banquet is a fundraising event fully aligned with the organization’s main mission, which is the support and recovery of Greece during the financial crisis, through programs focusing on crisis relief, entrepreneurship and economic development.

Indicatively, through THI’s crisis relief programs implemented over the last years, a total of 21,000 individuals have secured food and aid, 7,000 children were vaccinated and an additional 10,000 individuals were provided with medical and dental services. Furthermore, in regards to the field of entrepreneurship and economic development, $ 2.2 Million were distributed to 11 Greek Startups, through the Hellenic Entrepreneurship Award (HEA), 160 paid internships were created through ReGeneration, 100 new businesses were launched through Venture Garden, and several young and talented Greeks were given the chance to participate in internship programs in leading US and, for this year, Australian companies.
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