Thursday, October 8, 2015

Gérard Depardieu Slams US: They’ve 'Consistently Destroyed Others'

Famous actor and wine-grower Gerard Depardieu

© RIA Novosti. Mikhail Fomichev

Gérard Depardieu appears not to have many regrets about his decision two years ago to take Russian citizenship, as he’s revealed his conviction that Europe’s failures in foreign policy are all the US’ fault.

"If the Europeans stopped listening to the Americans, well, I'd be a lot happier," the actor told Russian journalists on Wednesday.
The popular French actor repeatedly slammed his native country of France for unreasonably high taxes before being granted Russian citizenship in 2013 by President Vladimir Putin.
Depardieu became a huge international star at young age, and featured in such films as "The Man in the Iron Mask," "Les Misérables," and "Green Card," in which, some 15 years ago, he played a French man desperate for American citizenship.
But real life, as we know, is a far cry from Hollywood fantasy.
"I have never wanted to be a US citizen," he said. "That's totally out of the question. They have a very aggressive culture. And I don't like US films," he added in his interview to RIA Novosti on Wednesday.
"They fought each other, destroyed the Indians, after that they perpetrated slavery, then there was the civil war," the actor said, giving a rundown of the US' violent history.
"After that, they were the first to use the atomic bomb…No, I prefer being Russian," added Depardieu.
Depardieu has recently said he has intentions to sell all the houses he owns in France in order to be rid ties to his native country. The actor also revealed his plans to move to Belarus, as he is fascinated by the country's leader, Alexander Lukashenko, saying "the country is beautiful and the president is a nice guy".
Russian citizenship has become somewhat sought-after for western stars following Depardieu's move. Fred Drust, front man of the the US band Limp Bizkit, and tattoo artist Zombie Boy have both confessed they'd like to trade their passports for Russian ones.

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