Friday, October 9, 2015

France Protects al-Qaeda Affiliates, Should Help Russia Instead

Instead of helping Russia to crash Islamic militants in Syria, France is doing the opposite – helping al-Qaeda-linked terrorists, said Marine Le Pen, the leader of French National Front party.

© AP Photo/ Claude Paris
Middle East

Instead of helping Russia to crash Islamic militants in Syria, France is doing the opposite – helping al-Qaeda-linked terrorists, said Marine Le Pen, the leader of French National Front party.

Le Pen criticized the French government, stating that it sides with the duplicitous policies of the United States. One can't trust Washington's policies anymore, Le Pen said on her Twitter account.
While Russia is fighting ISIL, trying to solve the Syrian crisis, France is "protecting" al-Nusra fighters, who represent the al-Qaeda terrorist organization in Syria, the French politician argued.
Instead of doing this senseless job, France should have been fighting ISIL alongside Russia in the Middle East, Le Pen said.
Meanwhile, Russia started precision airstrikes against ISIL targets in Syria on September 30, following a request from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. As of Friday, the Russian Air Force has carried out about 140 strikes against terrorist positions, destroying command centers, training camps and ammunition depots. Russian warships in the Caspian Sea also fired 26 cruise missiles on ISIL targets on Wednesday.
Currently, Le Pen's National Front party has the largest number of seats in the European parliament among all French parties.
Earlier this week, Le Pen accused French President Francois Hollande of failing to stand for France's national interests and following orders of Washington and Berlin.

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