Sunday, October 4, 2015

"ESVI 1914" sends for the first time the Protocol of Corfu in OSCE

 "ESVI 1914" opens the Northern Epirus Issue during OSCE Conference in Warsawia 

Concluding his intervention spokeswoman of "ENVI 1914" called for the respect of internationally matters of the National Greek Minority in Albania, the direct application of the Protocol of Corfu signed the Albanian state on May 17, 1914 and the return of autonomy to the Greeks of the region historically called North Epirus. 

In the meeting, after the speech of the representative of Albania Shkelzen Macukulli, who stressed "the greater religious tolerance in the country", then all the participants laughed at large, so that was interrupted by moderators.

 "ENVI 1914" the National Association of Northern Epirus 1914, take a part at the Conference on the Implementation of Human Rights 2015 by the Organization for Security and Stability in Europe (OSCE), held in Warsaw, Poland, from 21 September to 2 October, 2015

Specifically Thursday, October 1, in the 17th Session, which was on the Rights of persons belonging to national minorities, representatives of ESVI 1914 Anna Gagales and Theodore Asvestopoulos raised the problems of Northern Epirus Hellenism both during the work as and marginalized.

Ms. Anna Gagales, a native of the village Vouliarati Gjirokastra, during installation of the Work Session 17, was the second part of the agenda "Tolerance and non-discrimination", denounced the Albanian state and an important part of the Albanian society for the violation of human rights of the Greek National Minority.

Indicative reported the murder of Aristotelis Goumas in Himara for speaking Greek in 2010, the seizure of property of Greeks with falls documents, the demographic change of the minority areas to foreigners and infidels, the looting of ancient Greek heritage, terrorism Greek Northern Epirus as Dervitsani happened on October 14, 2014, the demolition of the Church of St. Athanasius in Dhermi on August 26, 2015 and the brutal beating of the elderly priest Christos Papa, in Saranda, on September 7, 2015.

Concluding his intervention spokeswoman of "ENVI 1914" called for the respect of internationally matters of the National Greek Minority in Albania, the direct application of the Protocol of Corfu signed the Albanian state on May 17, 1914 and the return of autonomy to the Greeks of the region historically called North Epirus.

At the end of the session by the interventions of representatives of states - members of the OSCE, the First Secretary of the Albanian Embassy in Warsaw Shkelzen Macukulli, in reply to a representative of the National Greek Minority claimed the known general and vague arguments that his country respects human rights of national minorities. In fact at one point he said that there is a good tradition of understanding and tolerance between the majority and ethnic minorities. The placement but caused the laughter and irritation of the Bureau and other participants, having used it twice as long as the allowed (four minutes of the two given to any representative of the State), which contributed to the modest performance in English .

On the sidelines of the representatives of the Association distributed printed material containing the history of Northern Epirus Greeks summarized and the current situation of the members of the Bureau of the Meeting at Ambassadors states - members of the OSCE and representatives of other national minorities, with several of delegates to show particular interest in the discussions that followed.

"ENVI 1914" particular importance was the conversation with the High Representative of OSCE for National Minorities Astrid Thors, who was aware of previous days for the demolition of the Church of St. Athanasius in Dhermi.

Mrs Thors requested a regular update and communication with "ESVI 1914" on issues related to the Greek National Minority, and representatives of the Association asked to be translated from the Greek OSCE manuals Agency concerning national minorities.

The presence of ESVI 1914 together with that of the Universal Federation of Constantinople were in session on National Minorities representation of indigenous Greeks living abroad and struggling Greece State.

Emphasise that while the National Association of Northern Epirus 1914 was after a decade at least the first player who represented the Greeks in Northern Epirus to an international organization. This was the beginning of such a set of actions to promote the Northern Epirus issue at international level.

1 comment:

  1. The name of Association is ESVI 1914 not ENVI. You must correct it.

