Sunday, September 27, 2015

UK Ready to Cooperate With Russia in Fight Against ISIL

Would-be martyrs joining the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS) from around the world are complaining of favoritism, as senior militants tap friends and family for the honor of blowing themselves up in the name of jihad.

© AP Photo/ Militant website

UK Prime Minister David Cameron's spokesperson said that the Islamic State (ISIL) jihadist militant poses threat as much to Russia as it does to Europe and London should be able to find a way forward to work together with Russia in fight against ISIL.

LONDON (Sputnik) — London is ready to cooperate with Moscow in the fight against the Islamic State (ISIL) jihadist militant organization, UK Prime Minister David Cameron's spokesperson said on Sunday.
“We are clear ISIL [IS] poses a threat as much to Russia as it does to Europe and other countries around the world and therefore we should be able to find a way forward to work together,” the spokesperson told journalists.
A US-led coalition against the ISIL, comprised of 62 nations including the United Kingdom, has been engaged in military actions since August 2014. The coalition’s actions have not been authorized by the United Nations. On Thursday, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced it is discussing the creation of a greater coalition to fight the Islamic State than the one led by the United States. The broader coalition would use force under the permission of the UN Security Council.
According to a military-diplomatic source, Russia, Syria, Iran and Iraq recently created an information center in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad to coordinate the fight against the ISIL extremists.

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