Friday, September 25, 2015

Tsipras: We have to meet the Greek people's expectations

First entry: 25 September 2015 - 13:04 Athens, 10:04 GMT
Last update: 13:04 Athens, 10:04 GMTPolitics
Tsipras: We have to meet the Greek people's expectations
Greece needs to move swiftly to conclude a positive review of its economic reforms by lenders in coming weeks and start discussions on debt relief, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Friday.
"Debt restructuring will reduce investment risks and make our economy once again attractive to investors," Tsipras told ministers in the first meeting of the country's cabinet since winning parliamentary elections on September 20.
Other priorities, he said, was a recapitalisation of the country's banks, which "if done correctly can give our economy badly needed liquidity."
"We must honour the support and trust the people offered to us twice in seven months. We are responsible to meet their expectations and to honour the choice to govern, to bring the necessary reforms and changes that the country needs in order to breathe," he said and asked from everyone to work hard with collectiveness and altruism.
"Our responsibility is to restore the Greek people's dignity so that in our 4-year term we will have achieved to create a Greece without the lenders' supervision while protecting the weaker," stressed Tsipras.
The Greek prime minister urged his ministers  to work hard to implement the left-wing government's policies and not spend their time on television talk shows.
"One who speaks with his work and not words speaks better," Tsipras told his 44 ministers, outlining priorities during his first cabinet meeting.
"I call on you to stop your constant television appearances and your continuous public statements. I chose you as ministers to govern and to solve peoples' problems, not to staff TV morning shows," he added.

ANA-MPA, Reuters

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