Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tsipras to Edi Rama: The Greek Minority has the right to self determination


Athens, Tirana and Pristina. are called in New York city and talk diplomatically and intense in the same building, ONU. 

No wonder the media warning that Greece will review its national policies, the recognition of Kosovo, but in exchange between Albania and Greece, will open in the old Protocols of the International Agreements.

However, Greece is also makes a step, in which during talks with Prime Minister of Kosovo, Mustafa, Greek Foreign Minister  Kotsias, promises initially first step, entry in UNESCO and Interpol of Kosovo,.....

On the other hand, Edi Rama PM of Albania, has come under pressure from Tsipras, who has requested the opening of the breasts international issues concerning the Agreements between the two countries and particularly the full rights to the Greek Community and the Orthodox church. .

Based only on these two practice elements of New York, there is no doubt that for the official recognition of Kosovo, Albania should implement international agreements for Southern Albania, where lives a considerable Greek population.

Ethnos Newspaper

Meeting with Albanian counterpart, Edi Rama, had Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

Greek Prime Minister stressed the importance of resolving outstanding issues between the two countries on the basis of international law and in a spirit of mutual respect.

At the same time it highlighted the need to respect the full rights of the Greek National Minority and respect for religious rights, highlighting in this context the important role of Albania Archbishop Anastasios.

Mr. Tsipras stressed that Greece is on the side of the neighboring country on its way to Europe, expecting while Albania to demonstrate firm commitment to integrating the acquis communautaire.

They also discussed the prospects of bilateral cooperation, with emphasis on economic and commercial spheres, and Edi Rama called on Alexis Tsipras to visit Albania.

Zyrtarët e Kosovës në takim me ministrin e jashtëm grek

"Greece to help Kosovo join international organizations"

Greek Foreign Minister Nikolaos Kotzias has said that his country "will support Kosovo's membership in international bodies and security organizations."



In addition, Kotzias "expressed his conviction that these processes will serve stability in the region," it was announced in Pristina by the cabinet of Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa.

According to the announcement, Mustafa with and the Greek minister spoke about "relations between the two countries" and the possibilities of deepening cooperation.

The statement said that Mustafa thanked Kotzias "for the support that Greece has given in the process of Kosovo's membership in international organizations and integration processes in the EU."

Mustafa was further quoted as saying that "the conditions are ripe for further promotion of relations between Greece and Kosovo."

After meeting with his Kosovo counterpart in Pristina, the Greek foreign minister said that that this "does not mean that Greece could recognize Kosovo, but represents an effort to establish better relations between Athens and Pristina."

Greece is one of five EU member-countries that have not recognized the ethnic Albanians' unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo made in early 2008 - but reports said it was "the only one among the five that recognizes documents issued by Kosovo."

"I invited (Hashim) Thaci to come to Athens. We are waiting for him. We have decided to open an office of Kosovo. Our proposal is that the office can be located wherever you want, in Thessaloniki or in Athens. But I think that Thaci prefers Athens," said Kotzias.

In addition, he promised that within the existing framework of cooperation Greece will support "Kosovo's membership in the EU and NATO, as well as membership in other international organizations such as Interpol and UNESCO."

Asked by reporters "whether Greece will recognize Kosovo" he, according to the Pristina media, "remained vague" - saying that Greece will help Kosovo to join some international organizations and announcing that Greece will open a cooperation office in Kosovo.

In its statement, Kosovo's Minsitry of Foreign Affairs stressed this was "the first visit of a Greek chief of diplomacy to Kosovo."

According to the RTK2 broadcaster, Thaci said that the meeting covered many topics - including the establishment of a special court - that should deal with KLA crimes.

"This issue should not be delayed, but it will not be put up for a vote (in the assembly) before it's determined that there is a sufficient number of votes of MPs," said Thaci.

Thaci "thanked his Greek counterpart for his contribution to his country provides in maintaining peace and stability in the region, as well as the support that Kosovo receives from Greece in the Euro-Atlantic path."

"We expect investors from Greece to come to Kosovo, invest and feel good here. I take this opportunity to once again invite others to invest in Kosovo. We live in the same region and have the same values,"said Thaci.

Kotzias did not wish to comment on the economic crisis in Greece, saying that "MPs will decide on that."

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