Sunday, September 13, 2015

NATO Chiefs of Defence discuss the way ahead with the Readiness Action Plan and NATO’s future posture

  • 12 Sep. 2015
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  • Last updated: 12 Sep. 2015 21:12
During the 2015 NATO Military Committee Conference, the 28 Allied Chiefs of Defence took stock of the implementation of the Readiness Action Plan (RAP) and agreed that the conditions are set for the RAP to be delivered in time for the Warsaw Summit next year. “The Chiefs of Defence also stressed the need to ensure that NATO forces and equipment can move rapidly across the Alliance, as NATO’s greatest responsibility is to protect and defend our Allies – the 28 Member States – against any threat”, General Petr Pavel, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee said at the MC Conference in Istanbul, Turkey.
NATO’s Future Posture and long-term military strategy was another key topic discussed by the Chiefs of Defence. The Military Committee emphasized the need to ensure NATO’s Command Structure remains robust, agile and able to deter any threats or challenges facing the Alliance. “NATO continues to adapt and respond to the challenges in both its Eastern and Southern flanks, keeping our countries safe”, General Petr Pavel stated during his press conference.
During the session on the RESOLUTE SUPPORT Mission in Afghanistan, the Chiefs of Defence reiterated their commitment for the Mission and their confidence in the Afghan defence forces who continue to rise to the challenge of protecting their own population.  The Chiefs of Defence highlighted that RESOLUTE SUPPORT is still NATO’s largest Mission and it shows the Alliance’s determination to preserve the gains achieved together with the Afghans.  In addition, discussions touched upon NATO’s presence post-RESOLUTE SUPPORT. “The Chiefs of Defence underlined that a successful transition from RESOLUTE SUPPORT into the civilian-led presence needs to be conditions-based”, General Pavel added.
NATO Chiefs of Defence also discussed the ways of enhancing NATO’s partnerships in the Western Balkans, stressing NATO’s continued commitment to regional stability – including through KFOR’s presence, cooperation and Euro-Atlantic integration.
The conference concluded with the Chiefs of Defence electing Lieutenant General Jan Broeks of the Royal Netherlands Armed Forces as the next Director General of the International Military Staff.

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