Monday, September 21, 2015

Ministers to return to key Greek cabinet posts - report

First entry: 21 September 2015 - 14:59 Athens, 11:59 GMT
Last update: 14:59 Athens, 11:59 GMTPolitics
Ministers to return to key Greek cabinet posts - report
Prime Minister-elect Alexis Tsipras and his closest aides are meeting to determine the composition of the new cabinet, radio station Real FM reports.
Tsipras is in constant communication with his junior coalition partner with his junior coalition partner, Independent Greeks leader Panos Kammenos. The two are set to meet at Tsipras' Syriza party headquarters at 3 pm (1200 GMT) local.
According to inside sources, Euclid Tsakalotos will return as Finance Minister, despite his declared reluctance to implement the bailout deal he himself signed with Greece's creditors last month. George Stathakis is also expected to return as Economy Minister, overseeing Trade, Transport, Infrastructure, Tourism and Shipping.
Tsipras' closest aides, Nikos Pappas and Alekos Flambouraris are also set to return as Ministers of State.

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