Wednesday, September 23, 2015

FM: Croatian PM provoking Serbia with statements Ivica Dacic says Croatia "has not learned lessons from the problems so far" while the Croatian prime minister "continues to provoke Serbia with his statements." Source: Tanjug Wednesday, September 23, 2015 | 09:54 (Beta, file) (Beta, file) The Serbian foreign minister and first deputy prime minister added that "the words of Zoran Milanovic do not contribute to solving the problems." Milanovic said earlier that Serbia will not introduce any countermeasures against the Croatia, "because those would be measures against the EU," while Dacic said that "Croatia contrary to Europe suspended the SAA and unilaterally imposed measures against Serbia, prevented normal traffic, the flow of goods and capital and people, which are the main achievements of the EU, and in that way violated European conventions." An agreement on border crossings between Serbia and Croatian does not provide for the closing of any of the border crossings for traffic, said Dacic. "I thought that after yesterday's talks with Prime Minister Vucic, Croatia would go down the path of looking for a certain solution, but I see they did not learn certain lessons from that," said Dacic. He then stressed that this was "a trade war of sorts against Serbia, a kind of economic aggression against Serbia" as the roads were closed for trucks from Serbia unilaterally without any notification. He announced that he will today talk with colleagues from Romania, Bulgaria and other countries "whom he wishes to inform about what is going on." "We've already said what Croatia violated, but the EU with its mechanism clearly does not show too much efficiency at the moment," said Dacic. The minister then said this was "an unprecedented case since World War II" and that "only during the wars in the former Yugoslavia the border was closed." "Serbia has postponed the beginning of the application of countermeasures, which was met with a positive response from European partners," Dacic said. He added that "we are all victims of the internal political situation in Croatia" because of upcoming elections there, adding it was "better for all to come to a decision, that there is no further complicating of the situation."

FM: Croatian PM provoking Serbia with statements

Ivica Dacic says Croatia "has not learned lessons from the problems so far" while the Croatian prime minister "continues to provoke Serbia with his statements."
Source: Tanjug
(Beta, file)
(Beta, file)
The Serbian foreign minister and first deputy prime minister added that "the words of Zoran Milanovic do not contribute to solving the problems."
Milanovic said earlier that Serbia will not introduce any countermeasures against the Croatia, "because those would be measures against the EU," while Dacic said that "Croatia contrary to Europe suspended the SAA and unilaterally imposed measures against Serbia, prevented normal traffic, the flow of goods and capital and people, which are the main achievements of the EU, and in that way violated European conventions."

An agreement on border crossings between Serbia and Croatian does not provide for the closing of any of the border crossings for traffic, said Dacic.

"I thought that after yesterday's talks with Prime Minister Vucic, Croatia would go down the path of looking for a certain solution, but I see they did not learn certain lessons from that," said Dacic.

He then stressed that this was "a trade war of sorts against Serbia, a kind of economic aggression against Serbia" as the roads were closed for trucks from Serbia unilaterally without any notification.

He announced that he will today talk with colleagues from Romania, Bulgaria and other countries "whom he wishes to inform about what is going on."

"We've already said what Croatia violated, but the EU with its mechanism clearly does not show too much efficiency at the moment," said Dacic.

The minister then said this was "an unprecedented case since World War II" and that "only during the wars in the former Yugoslavia the border was closed."

"Serbia has postponed the beginning of the application of countermeasures, which was met with a positive response from European partners," Dacic said.

He added that "we are all victims of the internal political situation in Croatia" because of upcoming elections there, adding it was "better for all to come to a decision, that there is no further complicating of the situation."

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