Monday, June 29, 2015

Serbia urges UN to establish court for KLA crimes

Marko Djuric says Serbia wants the UN to set up "a special international court or tribunal to prosecute crimes of the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)."
Source: Tanjug
"I expect all states, and especially the UN Security Council members, to support the establishment of an international court or tribunal that would investigate the crimes committed by the KLA," the director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo on late on Friday during an extraordinary press conference.
Djuric said that he expects the UN to do its part of the job and UN member countries to support unanimously the establishment of the special court.

He spoke after the assembly in Pristina failed to pass legislation that would allow the court to be established.

"In less than 24 hours after the setting free of Naser Orlic, the decision of the provincial parliament to deny the establishment of a special court that would be tasked with investigating the crimes committed by the KLA came as rubbing salt into the wounds of the Serb people," said Djuric.

He said that this decision "does not contribute to the process of the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, but that nevertheless the talks in Brussels will continue on Monday."

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