Friday, June 12, 2015

"Golden Dawn": Turkey is funding the creation of "Greater Albania"

Kryetari i AK-së, Kreshnik Spahiu
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  Turkey's military aid to Albania is seen with fear by the Greeks, mainly by the neo-Nazis of "Golden Dawn", who warn of the risk of the creation of "Greater Albania".

In a statement posted on its official website "Golden Dawn" says that Turkey is helping Albania to complete the dream of "Greater Albania".

"Turkey recently has been educating Albanian officers in its schools and at the same time provides Albania army military vehicles and other light and armored vehicles. The creation of Islam-Turkish Archery in the Balkans, part of which is' Greater Albania ', is already a fact. Albania is essentially a political and military base of Turkey. Turkey will continue to provide Albania with the weapons, which in a not too distant future will be used for actions against the Greek territory" reads the statement.

But representatives of the party see as an enemy of Greece and ally of our country the US, stressing that everything is being done under the auspices of the largest world power.

According to them, many parties in Albania are financed by Turkey and its secret services, saying that among them is the Red and Black Alliance. They defined its leader, Kreshnik Spahiu, as a terrorist and US partner. "Golden Dawn" has urged to take measures against such actions.

"We have to take very seriously the military penetration of Turkey to Albania and arming the Albanian forces. According to statistics, in 2050 Albania's population is expected to go up to 10 million. The growth of the Albanian population, coupled with the growth of the Turkish population, and the collapse of the Greek population is a time bomb for our race. If you do not neutralize the bomb, the next generation risk to speak the dialect of Albanian Muslims, Turks, and other Asian countries "concludes the statement of the "Golden Dawn ". /

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