Tuesday, May 12, 2015

US Encourages Greek, Turkish Leaders to Create Bizonal Federation in Cyprus

In 1974, a Greek Cypriot military coup overthrew the government, and in response Turkey invaded the country, capturing the northern part of the island. Today, a buffer zone separates the Greek Cypriot south of the island from the Turkish Cypriot north.
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Greek and Turkish leaders should promptly agree on reunification of Cyprus as a bizonal federation that will benefit the island’s communities and the region as a whole, US National Security Council Spokesperson Bernadette Meehan said in a statement on Tuesday.
“We encourage the parties to reach a settlement as soon as possible to reunify the island as a bizonal, bicommunal federation, which would benefit all Cypriots as well as the wider region,” Meehan said.
Cyprus is a Mediterranean island located south of Turkey and east of Greece, with Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots forming the majority of the island's population.
Cyprus’ reunification talks between Greek Cypriot Republic of Cyprus and Turkish Cypriot-controlled self-declared Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will begin on Friday. The United States is ready to provide any necessary assistance to help negotiation, Meehan added.
In February 2014, the talks on Cyprus reunification resumed after a two-year-long break, but were suspended in October.

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