Saturday, May 16, 2015

Third Balkan War in the making: Serbs, Greeks, Bulgarians and Macedonians to unite against the "Greater Albania"?

NOVI balkanski rat - Srbija, Grčka, Bugarska, Makedonija

In the report, analysts of the CIA stated that if the US continues to provide unconditional support to Albanians and the EU to keep silent about the revival of "Greater Albania", it could very easily lead to a mess in the Balkans, which would make this region into a new Middle East
NOVI balkanski rat - Srbija, Grčka, Bugarska, Makedonija

At the conclusion of the latest report of the CIA about the situation in our region, it says that  if the US, following the terrorist attacks in Macedonia continues to provide unconditional support to Albanians, and if the EU continues to remain silent and passes over the revival of “Greater Albania”, it will lead to the formation of the “Orthodox Union” of Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria and Macedonia, which could very easily lead to a “third Balkan war”!
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Because of these allegations, CIA analysts warn the US authorities to have a “balanced approach towards the Balkans,” writes Informer.

The situation is worse: Albania and Kosovo openly threaten Macedonia

- US analysts write that the Balkan countries whose territories are the project of “Greater Albania” will not sit idly and quietly and watch  Albanians seize territory, and they are convinced that in the event of an emergency Serbs, Greeks, Bulgarians and Macedonians will join forces in the fight against the Albanians. In this case, Balkan could become the next Middle East, and that is in no one’s interest, not even the United States – said a greatly informed diplomatic source of this newspaper.

Why is Western media silent about the attacks in Macedonia? Nobody mentions that the war was initiated by SHQIPTAR terrorists!

Also, analysts estimate that the attitude towards the Balkan countries is extremely important in determining the relationship between the US and Russia.

- They write that if the US and the EU, continue with their present pro-Albanian policy, all Orthodox people will turn against them. Pushing them into the arms of the Russians. At one point, the authors of the report estimate that if such a scenario were to happen, Bulgaria and Greece could become “hard-Russian geopolitical strongholds”, as Serbia, according their impression, already is.


Analyst Djordje Vukadinovic pointed out that the association is a logical reaction to the attempt to create a “Greater Albania”.

- If the alliance were to happen, I do not believe that the United States would sit quietly and watch because it is clear that Albanians are their favorites. Serbia had a similar alliance before the First World War,  when they clashed with Turkey.

Dacic: We back all EU decisions except sanctions on Russia

However, on the other hand, Cedomir Antic of the Progressive Club emphasizes that the idea of ​​merging the Balkans exists for over more than a decade.

- Even if the idea were initiated, the United States would prevent it from the start. However, such an alliance should be there because it would survive even if the EU were to fail.

The EU recognizes Kosovo’s independence: This decision of Europe, SERBIA WILL NEVER ACCEPT!

However, former Ambassador Dusan Spasojevic believes it would be impossible to make an alliance with countries that have recognized Kosovo’s independence.

– It is illogical to put others’ interests before our own. It should be reminded that Macedonia was among the first countries to recognize Kosovo. Serbia needs to follow events in that country, but as said by Prime Minister Vucic, we must not interfere with the internal affairs of a state. Only Greece and Romania can be our true allies.


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