Sunday, May 24, 2015

The two Balkan nationalism
The Greek response to the Albanian nationalism will be the official claim of the autonomy of Northern Epirus in Albania, based on the Protocol of Corfu 1914.

The only proposal that arises from history and common sense is to support methodically the Greek national interests

The Balkan unrest should concern us alongside the critical negotiations with our lenders. Skopje convulsed by conflict Slavs police with armed Albanians and the revelation that the Gruevski government watched rival phones. In Albania the socialist Prime Minister Edi Rama made statements in favor of "Greater Albania", denies the Greek EEZ Ionian and supports Chams anti-Greeks in the upcoming municipal elections in his country.

Some of our compatriots tend to choose through the media of supposedly moderate politicians in neighboring countries. We heard festivals in the election of Rama arguing that supposedly is more European and more modest than the right rival Sali Berisha. Yet for premiership Rama became official doctrine the "Greater Albania". Moreover, he as leader of the opposition had appealed to the Constitutional Court -with Turkish parakinisi- against the agreement of Athens - Tirana for determining maritime zones.

Other voices propose to tolerate the Macedonian nationalism as a counterweight to the Albanian. The only proposal that arises from history and common sense is to support methodically the Greek national interests and against the two nationalisms, Albanian and pseudo "makedoniko" must to stop illusions that such and such politician is more cooperative. Albanians and Skopjans do their job and we should do ours.

On the issue of Skopje have to come back to our original position, not bestowing the name Macedonia or as complex or as derivative and therefore reject any geographical definition. To immediately terminate the Interim Accord of September 1995, which, having ripped from FYROM, it was used by the legal base to implicate us before the International Court of Law. Also we are concerned formally the fate of Greek minority living oppressed in that State.

If he wants the Albanian ethnic community in FYROM to continue the armed struggle against the Slavs and secede, let's let them do it. I repeat: The dismantling of Skopje will mean removing an anti-Greek nationalism in the Balkans. The argument that so encouraged Albanians will answer that Albanian nationalism reared the US decision and our European partners to spin off Kosovo from Serbia. Neither then nor now they asked us we can prevent -and we have no reason to make- dissolving Skopian arrangement.

The Greek response to the Albanian nationalism will be the official claim of the autonomy of Northern Epirus in Albania, based on the Protocol of Corfu 1914.

Constantine Cholevas
"Democratia" Newspaper

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