Sunday, May 24, 2015

Serbian President: ‘Greater Albania’ project danger for entire region

Author: InSerbia Team
BELGRADE – Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic condemned the creation of the so-called Greater Albania, saying that the project is a real danger for peace and stability of the entire Balkan region and specifically stressing – “no” to Kosovo’s independence and “yes” to continuation of dialogue with Pristina.
Belgrade wants to continue the EU-brokered dialogue with Pristina in order to finally resolve concrete problems the people are facing and contribute to full reconciliation and peaceful coexistence of all citizens of Kosovo, Nikolic said in Saturday’s interview for Italy’s ANSA news agency, on the eve of President Sergio Mattarella’s visit to Belgrade.
He also criticized Pristina for lack of will to fully implement the Brussels agreement and called on European officials to “invest additional efforts to make (Kosovo) Albanians meet what they have signed.”
Nikolic thanked Italy for its strong support to the process of EU integration of Serbia, which he said remains Belgrade’s priority goal.
The Serbian president qualified Serbia-Italy relations as excellent, adding there is always room for their strengthening in the reciprocal field.

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