Monday, May 4, 2015

Kotzias: even "Golden Dawn" we will join for the National Intersts of Greece

Foreign Minister Kotzias’ statements following the meeting of the National Council on Foreign Policy

Monday, 04 May 2015
N. KOTZIAS: Today we had the first meeting of the National Council on Foreign Policy under the salvation government. As you know, the institution of the National Council on Foreign Policy was formulated in the 1990s and was one of my own proposals – then, as a Foreign Ministry employee – and so I was pleased that I could have a creative discussion with the representatives of all the parties and the Ministry’s experts, as well as with the administrative leadership.

Our conversation focused on Greek-Turkish relations. It was a very interesting discussion. I think that we all profit when we hear various proposals and creative criticism. From this perspective, I will be going to Turkey next week armed with the thoughts of all the parties.

JOURNALIST: Mr. Minister, we just heard the New Democracy representative, Mr. Koumoutsakos, link foreign policy issues with the strength, or lack thereof, of each country’s economy. Are you optimistic?

N. KOTZIAS: There is always an interdependency between foreign policy and economics, but, as I explained during the meeting, foreign policy can help to strengthen the economy. It’s not always the other way round.

JOURNALIST: Are you optimistic that we will have an agreement by the time the Eurogroup convenes?

N. KOTZIAS: Yes, I’m optimistic.

JOURNALIST: How was it that you decided to invite Golden Dawn?

N. KOTZIAS: The Presidium of the Parliament unanimously calls Golden Dawn to every session. Correspondingly, an institution that is provided for by the Constitution, like the National Council on Foreign Policy, is obliged to invite those invited to Parliament.

Thank you very much.

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