Sunday, May 3, 2015

Elections in Himara should be included under the strong Greek - Albanian nationalist rhetoric


Even the president of the Republic of Albania, Bujar Nishani, opened the campaign with George Goro together .. He decorates the  polyphonic mix group, Himare - Vranishte

Tirana. The involvement of nationalist rhetoric, to the administrative elections in Himara Municipality, has just begun.

President of the Republic of Albania Bujar Nishani, has almost blown election campaign by decorating a mix polyphonic group consisting of singers from Himara and Vranisht ,, as new Municipality of Himara syndrom, voted by the Parliament of Albania, opposed by the people of Himara.

But in the background appears the current chairman of Himara, George Goro, who is running with the Socialist Party.

On the other ex Mayor of Himara and Omonia`s Former President Vassilis Bolanos, will be the first in the list of Concillers, who will claim the next Speaker of new Parliament of Himara.

According to all the tests, in the elections of June 21, Himara will be a very important geopolitical issues, as clashes of the Albanian - Greek issues about Himara, are even stronger in the future.

The new territorial division, was opposed by the people of Himara and Lukovo, due to the involvement of another region, Vranisht, which does not fit in with the consciousness of the people of Himara.

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