Sunday, May 10, 2015

Danaj: Time has come for unification of Albanians

TIRANA – Albanian politician, leader of the “List for natural Albania” Koco Danaj, claims that war in Kumanovo, in the settlements inhabited by Albanians, is caused by Macedonian authorities and that the time has come for the unification of all Albanians.
Photo: Tanjug
Photo: Tanjug
By analyzing the latest developments in Kumanovo municipality in northern Macedonia, the creator of the “Platform for Natural Albania”, says that Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, whom he called a fascist and compared him to Hitler, is behind everything, Danaj said for the Albanian “Sot”.
Danaj seeks greater engagement by Albanian politicians, not only in Tirana but also in Pristina, Skopje and Ulcinj, so “Gruevski’s plan could be stopped”.
Expressing his mistrust of Albanian politicians, who he considers to be loyal to Gruevski, Danaj claims that “foreigners will support any solution that Albanians choose.” He recalls that he had previously announced unrest in Macedonia and argues that it is not a coincidence that they occurred just yesterday, on the Day of Victory over Fascism.
“The fact is that today, 9 May, is 70th anniversary of the victory over fascism, therefore, victory over dictator Hitler, the moment that the European Union, democratic governments in the region, the Albanian government in Tirana, Kosovo and Albanians in Macedonia finally realize that although today celebrates the 70th anniversary of the victory over fascism, in present-day Macedonia fascism in its purest form is flourishing,” said Danaj.
Koco Danaj
Koco Danaj
Those who support the current government of Gruevski, Danaj considers collaborators of fascism and anti-Albanians, adding that Albanians have every right to use all means to topple Gruevski from power.
“If there are people in Brussels, politicians who do not agree with that, then we should point them out that they are collaborators of fascism,” he said.
Asked what he predicts will happen in the future, Danaj says he expects the deterioration of the situation in Macedonia, and that “Gruevski will end in blood”. That happened to all those who have acted against the Albanians, Danaj said.
Danaj sees only one solution for Albanians in Macedonia – unification.
“This is the only way to save the Albanians from the Macedonian chauvinism and fascism. Nikola Gruevski and Zoran Zaev (leader of the SDSM, opposition party) differ in brutality but do not differ in their attitude toward the Albanians. Both are equally chauvinists, fascists, enemies, and have the same tactics,” he said.
He believes that “before foreigners, Albanians should speak” and that “they now have only one way, to finally separate from Macedonia.”
“There is no other way. Foreigners will accept any solution that Albanians choose. Albanians, not Albanian politicians,” said Danaj.

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