Monday, April 20, 2015

US Ambassador: Release of terrorist from Greek prisons 'unfriendly act'

First entry: 20 April 2015
US Ambassador: Release of terrorist from Greek prisons 'unfriendly act'
US Ambassador to Greece David D. Pearce said that the release of terrorists from Greek prisons will be seen as a profoundly unfriendly act.
In a rare press conference in Athens, Pearce expressed his “deep concern” over the legislation coming to a final vote in the Greek parliament, which could lead to the early release of convicted terrorists.
The ambassador revealed that he raised the issue of the release of convicted member of 17 November terrorist group Savvas Xiros with Greek authorities.
He also revealed that the US Secretary Kerry registered his concerns directly in a call to Alexis Tsipras last week.
“I repeat my bottom line, convicted terrorists and other criminals convicted of serious crimes should complete their sentences as handed down by the Greek justice system,” he said.
He concluded his statement by saying: “If Savvas Xiros – or anyone else with the blood of Amenican diplomats and US Mission members on their hands – leaves prison, it will be seen as a profoundly unfriendly act”.

Read also:
Greek parliament passes bill allowing house arrest for terrorists

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