Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thaci in Vatican: Kosovo independence brought peace and stability in region

Kosovo Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaçi is on an official visit to the Holy Sea, accompanied by the Catholic organization Saint Egidio, reports.

Minister Thaci met with the Vatican Secretary of Relations with States, Paul Gallagher.
“Kosovo independence has brought peace and stability in the region. We have good neighborhood relations and we have started the normalization of relations with Serbia, a reconciliation dialogue for our people, and we have installed mechanisms that guarantee the rights of minorities”, said Thaci.

Protection of historic, cultural and religious heritage was also a point of discussion with Monsignor Gallagher.

“We have formed the Implementation and Monitoring Council to oversee the protection of our heritage. We are preparing to apply to become a member of UNESCO, which would help us to protect our religious, historic and cultural heritage”, stated Thaci.

The head of Kosovo diplomacy expressed his wish to strengthen the relations with the Holy Sea by appointing a Kosovo representative in the Vatican.

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