Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Serbian PM meets with Albanian counterpart

BRUSSELS -- The prime ministers of Albania and Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic and Edi Rama, met in Brussels on Monday "to discuss joint infrastructure projects."
They "expressed their willingness for the two countries to jointly present infrastructure project during today's meeting in Brussels of 'the Western Balkans Six' prime ministers," the Serbian government said in a statement.
According to the same source, Vucic "pointed out that Serbia will insist on the financial support for the construction of the Belgrade-Podgorica-Shkodra railway as well as the highway Nis-Pristina-Durres."

"I hope there will be understanding in the EU to support the countries in the region," said Vucic and stressed that "such projects would improve the economic situation in both countries."

Rama "stressed that the Albanian side was ready to start work on these projects," and that it would be "a good sign of partnership relations between Serbia and Albania," said the statement.

"As once the French and the Germans began to work together for the future of Europe, so can we for the future of the Western Balkans," Rama has been quoted as saying.

While in Brussels on Tuesday Vucic will also meet with EU officials and take part in a new round of the Kosovo negotiations.

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