Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Putin to Netanyahu: Iranian S-300 Missiles Pose No Threat to Israel

Vladimir Putin meets with Benjamin Netanyahu
© Sputnik/ Aleksey Nikolskyi

Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed that the S-300 missile system is purely defensive and will not pose threat to Israel or any other country in the Middle East in telephone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
S-300 launch (File photo)
S-300 launch (File photo)
© Sputnik/ Vyacheslav Afonin
Iranian Minister to Discuss S-300 Missile Defense System Delivery in Moscow
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Russian President Vladimir Putin has reassured Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that lifting of the embargo on deliveries of advanced S-300 air defense systems to Iran will not threaten Israel's security, the Kremlin said Tuesday.

Putin and Netanyahu discussed the Russian president's decision in a phone call earlier on Tuesday.

"Putin stressed that the S-300 missile system is purely defensive and will not pose threat to Israel or any other country in the Middle East," the Kremlin press service said in a statement.

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/politics/20150414/1020888453.html#ixzz3XJeFsSW2

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